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Helpful Trauma Definitions
These definitions are not comprehensive, but are meant as a starting point for understanding some of the terms I use in my talk. I’ve included links to the sources of the definitions in the hope that you will seek out more knowledge and understanding on the subjects of trauma and healing.
KCL Trauma Awareness in a Practice Environment
This material arises out of the basic principle of harm reduction in the context of meditation retreats. Meditation practice may bring to the surface past trauma that an individual may be carrying within themselves, whether consciously or unconsciously. This is even more likely during an intense practice retreat in an environment where we are in close proximity with strangers. Therefore there is a need to educate dharma center staff (residential and guest) about trauma and how it can impact a person’s experience of retreat and community.
Burlington Shambhala Center Trauma Meeting Notes
On December 7, 2019, Ms. Lassiter Williams gave a dharma talk on Trauma and Meditation at the Burlington Shambhala Center. Lassiter was kidnapped at gunpoint twenty years ago. She has been a member of Shambhala for seven years, and lived at Karme Choling for two years. She has direct experience with the effects of trauma in relation to the practice of meditation. She courageously shared her experience with us, in the hope that it could help us to better understand the effects of trauma so that we can better care for people who are meditating under our auspices. Following is a synopsis of her talk.
Montpelier Shambhala Center Trauma Meeting Notes
On December 10, 2019, Lassiter Williams gave a dharma talk on Trauma and Meditation at the Montpelier Shambhala Center. The following document provides an outline of what was discussed.
WRJ Shambhala Center Trauma Meeting Notes
On December 15, 2019, Lassiter Williams gave a dharma talk on Trauma and Meditation at the White River Junction Shambhala Center. The following document provides an outline of what was discussed.