Sheila Na Gig
/I struggle when prompted to call on ancestors for guidance. They’re the ones who got me into this mess in the first place, right? Luckily, this one time, a naked fat lady named Sheila showed up.
Grounding is homecoming. The earth of my feet, the bones of my people, this is strength. Descendant, your fertility isn’t children. It’s your volcanic rage. This is what you are birthing this lifetime/cycle. Yes, a womb is needed. No, it does not have to be in your body or grow a baby. The way children meant survival when my people walked the earth, your rage means survival now. It’s not the same as anger stemming from fear and ignorance. It’s the stardust and lava in your veins. Power and truth oppressed for too long. That time is over. Now is the moment of your untempered fury. Tear it down, send oppression into hiding the way it sent you into hiding. Mold the earth, shape our time. I am with you.